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                glass assembly table  
                > > Introduction of Jinyu single-componenthot melt adhesive for insulating glass
                  Chuang Li Lai Co.LTD--Product introduction--Introduction of Jinyu single-componenthot melt adhesive for insulating glass

                Glass Spacer
                Chuanglilai Compound sealing spacer

                glass assembly table


                ■Introduction of Chuanglilai® compound sealing spacer for IG glass assembly table


                    We manufactured Chuanglilai® compound Insulating spacer through 5 years’ research on our own. We made a big amount of improvement and innovation on this product. This product fills up the blank of our country; its quality reaches to the international level. It keeps the strong points and overcomes the shortages of the traditional sealing spacer. The quality goes up a lot. It has become a big progress in the manufacture of glass assembly table.
                Highlights of Chuanglilai® compound Insulating spacer:
                1. The support strength between glasses: The height of the wave aluminum upgrade from the original 1.8mm to 4.8mm, the Anti-pressure is much excellent than before, and with macromolecule plastic, the distortion problem can be improved.
                2. Big advancement in Moisture absorption: Big contents of desiccant in the inner side of spacer increase the ability of absorbing moisture.
                3. Tensile Strength: The framework of the traditional sealing spacer is only aluminum strip. But the Chuanglilai spacer’s is composed by aluminum strip, plastic strip and aluminum foil. Now the tensile strength is much higher than the traditional spacers.
                4. Pack in vacuum aluminum foil, with humidity card inside: We pack our products in the vacuum aluminum foil bag, and put a humidity card inside; it will show the absorption ability of moisture of the spacer.
                5. Two-way Usage:
                    You can use the glass assembly tables separately;
                    You can spread single-component HMB or Polysulfide adhesive on the outside of the glass assembly table, to enhance its structure.
                6. Unique manufacture method makes good endurance ability in weathers or humidity.

                (glass assembly table)

                Insulating Glass
                Copyright?2006-2011 Chuang Li Lai Co.LTD
                TEL: 0427-6852077 13700073652 FAX: 0427-6852080 E-mail: zhuchengmf@yahoo.com.cn

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