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                Turspacer > > Introduction of Jinyu single-componenthot melt adhesive for insulating glass
                  Chuang Li Lai Co.LTD--Product introduction--Introduction of Jinyu single-componenthot melt adhesive for insulating glass

                Turspacer PRODUCT

                Turspacer glass cleaning and drying machine
                Turspacer glass cleaning and drying machine combinetes cleaning and drying , it is reasonable structure,easy operation stably performahce, can BE used in all kinds of flat glass cleaning and drying。
                Turspacer simple strip assembly stand/table
                Turspacer simple strip assembly stand is used for installong of compounded strip in glasses。It can make glass rotates and orients at any plane angle to increase the speed and uniformity when installing strips。
                Turspacer air strip assembly table
                Turspacer air strip assembly table is used for insulating glass installtion It can make glass rotates and orients at any plane angle to increase the speed and uniformity when installing strips。
                Turspacer strip rolling table
                Turspacer strip rolling table is used for rolling insulating glasses。 It uses floating table and limit switch to make the operation easy and fast。It is a matching insulating glass production line with cleaning and drying machine,hot press machine.
                Turspacer single-lager layer hot press machine
                Turspacer single-lager hot press is in combination of compounded rubber assembly stand;glass rolling over table;hot press machine。It is reasonable desrgn design,easy for operation,and is useful for small windows and doors factories and engineerings。There will be a small insulating glass production line with a cleaning and drying machine。
                Turspacer insulating glass production line
                Turspacer insulating glass production line is consist of its auxiliang products。Turspacer glass cleaning and drying machine;Turspacer strip assembly table;Turspacer glass rolling over table;Turspacer insulating glass
                hot press。This production line is easy for operation,stably performance,and high production
                efficiencg efficiency。It is professional equipment of strip insulating glasses。

                Turspacer department for hot melt applicator:
                Turspacer department for hot melt applicator is a special equipment for producting insulating glasses .The production of insulating glasses can be finished by heating,melting and coating the hot-melt rubber by the equipment .And also can be coposed a production line with cleaning and drying machine.


                <% t=0 Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") sql="SELECT * from NEWS where bigclassname='Turspacer' order by id desc" rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 if not Rs.eof then do while not rs.eof t=t+1 %> <% if t>=6 then exit do rs.movenext loop else response.write "" end if rs.close %>
                ABOUT THE Turspacer
                    " target="_blank"><%=left(rs("title"),36)%>
                Copyright?2006-2011 Chuang Li Lai Co.LTD
                TEL: 0427-6852077 13700073652 FAX: 0427-6852080 E-mail: zhuchengmf@yahoo.com.cn

                产品推荐: 暖边胶条 中空玻璃胶条 玻璃ㄨ密封条 热熔胶 热熔丁基胶 热熔打胶机 胶条式◢清洗机 胶条式热压机∏ 中空玻璃清洗●机 中空◥玻璃热压机 中空玻璃生产线 中空玻璃热融打胶机 门窗□密封毛条 都赛尔 Insulating Glass Spacer CLL Turspacer swiggle Truseal Duraseal glass washing and drying machine glass hot press glass assembly table glass rolling over table warm-edge insulating glass spacer