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                swiggle > > Introduction of Jinyu single-componenthot melt adhesive for insulating glass
                  Chuang Li Lai Co.LTD--Product introduction--Introduction of Jinyu single-componenthot melt adhesive for insulating glass

                swiggle PRODUCT

                Detailed introduction to Swiggle Strip:

                The Swiggle strip, a new material for insulating glass, is a high performance polymer produced with proprietary formula through special process.

                It has avoided complex and trivial procedures by integrating functions of sealant,drier and aluminum spacer, which makes it possible to replace several items of procedures only with the adhesive strip. It is a continuous, flexible all-in-one system,with no metal touching the glass. This provides significantly greater thermal performance than systems where the metal spacer touches the glass - particularly at window edges and corners. ?? Characteristics :
                1. Thermal Insulation: K value in coefficient of thermal conductivity below 3.0KW/M2
                2 .Sound Insulation: To reduce outdoors noise to 2750dBs.
                3. Resistance to dew condensing and frosting: Dew point to be able to reach4 40?C.
                4. Seal ability: Uneasy access of moisture and dust into the space between the two??? ??? pieces of glass. 5. Color: black, white, gray, black/white, black/gray 6. Size: 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm, 14mm, 16mm 7. Packing: disk-roll, Alex-roll 8. Correct amount of adhesion on surface to stick, glossy coating


                <% t=0 Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") sql="SELECT * from NEWS where bigclassname='swiggle' order by id desc" rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 if not Rs.eof then do while not rs.eof t=t+1 %> <% if t>=6 then exit do rs.movenext loop else response.write "" end if rs.close %>
                ABOUT THE swiggle
                    " target="_blank"><%=left(rs("title"),36)%>
                Copyright?2006-2011 Chuang Li Lai Co.LTD
                TEL: 0427-6852077 13700073652 FAX: 0427-6852080 E-mail: zhuchengmf@yahoo.com.cn

                产品推荐: 暖边胶条 中空玻▲璃胶条 玻璃密封∮条 热熔胶 热熔丁基胶 热熔打胶机 胶条式清洗机 胶条式热〖压机 中空ω玻璃清洗机□  中空玻璃热压机 中空玻璃生产线★ 中空玻璃热融打胶机⊙ 门窗密◣封毛条 都赛尔 Insulating Glass Spacer CLL Turspacer swiggle Truseal Duraseal glass washing and drying machine glass hot press glass assembly table glass rolling over table warm-edge insulating glass spacer